Weedol Lawn Weed Killer Liquid Concentrate
Scientifically formulated this selective Lawn product kills many unsightly weeds in lawns with one treatment without harming the grass.
Acts by stimulating the growth of broad-leaved weeds causing them to grow at a rate they simply cannot sustain. Effectively causes them to die of exhaustion, leaving your grass with space to grow without competition.
Kills most common lawn weeds such as Clover, Black Medick, Lesser Trefoil, Daisy, Dandelion, Plantain and Mouse-ear.
Use on weeds, which are leafy and actively growing – usually from April to September. Apply evenly over the area to be treated and wash out the sprayer or watering can thoroughly after use
For best results do not mow for 3 days before or after treatment.
Use pesticides safely and always read the label.
Available in two sizes: 500ml treats up to 333m². 1 litre treats up to 667m².
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